Posted on: Nov 04, 2019
Book your time in advance and join us during 4th edition of GBS Lions’ Talks in Warsaw. Let us have a business breakfast together and discuss the topic of knowledge management in-depth.
GBS Lions’ Talks: Everything you always wanted to know about Knowledge Management*
*but were afraid to ask
Time: 21.11.2019 / 9:00-13:00
Place: Nowy Styl Showroom (Gottlieba Daimlera 1, Warsaw)
Type: business breakfast (buffet)
Special guests: Avon Global Business Services, DSV International Shared Services, KMD Poland
Media patronage: ABSL
Powered by: Nowy Styl
What can you expect during 4th edition of GBS Lions’ Talks?
- 4 substantive speeches based on business experience of experts in the field (Avon Global Business Services, DSV International Shared Services, KMD Poland, Adaptive Group)
- active involvement of all participants during Q&A session
- tasty breakfast in modern space
Summing up, the goal of GBS Lions’ Talks business breakfast is knowledge sharing about knowledge sharing in an inspiring atmosphere.
The event is FREE OF CHARGE.
Don’t hesitate and reserve your seat now:
We also encourage you to follow us on our social media accounts where we are going to share the details of breakfast:
- fanpage https://www.facebook.com/AdaptiveGroup/
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/adaptive.sag