Posted on: May 18, 2019
At first glance, knowledge management seems to be a piece of cake. However, mastering the topic requires digging into ins & outs. Together with Nowy Styl Group and Pro Progressio, we have the pleasure to invite you to the first “GBS Lions’ Talks” breakfast by Adaptive Group during which we are going to discuss the matter in depth.
GBS Lions’ Talks: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Knowledge Management*
*but were afraid to ask
Date: 30.05.2019, 9:30-12:30
Place: Nowy Styl Group Office Inspiration Centre (Radzikowskiego 182, Cracow).
Organizer: Adaptive Group
Powered by: Pro Progressio, Nowy Styl Group
Let us have a delicious meal together and exchange insight knowledge. Among speakers, such Lions as: Wojciech Karpiński (Center Director Amway BSC Europe), Wiktor Doktór (CEO Pro Progressio), Michał Bielawski (CFO Adaptive Group) and Michał Ejchman (Program Manager Adaptive Group).
The event is FREE OF CHARGE.
To reserve your seat, write an e-mail to: irmina.liczbik@adaptivesag.com
This is going to be a really rare feast;)