Posted on: Aug 08, 2016
The 7th Annual ABLS Conference was held on June 28-29th in Katowice, the heart of the Silesia region, and it has been announced the stunning success.
The theme “Transforming ourselves – Changing the World” and the number of prestigious speakers attracted over 1000 participants from Europe and around the globe.
The special guest of the Conference was Dr. Condoleezza Rice, 66th US Secretary of State 2005-2009, as an expert in the field of politics and Central and Eastern Europe. Next to Dr. Rice some other important names of the business and politics world, to name but a few: Mateusz Morawiecki, Deputy Prime Minister of Poland, Minister of Development, Marcin Krupa, Mayor of Katowice, Aruna Jayanthi (CEO, Capgemini Business Services), Hannes Apitzsch (CEO of Global Services, Siemens AG), Kerry Hallard (CEO, National Outsourcing Association Director, European Outsourcing Association), Sean Kracklauer (President Advisory Services and Research, The Hackett Group),Till Dudler (Managing Director, Industry Lead for Consumer Goods & Services for Europe, Africa and Latin America, Accenture Strategy).
Adaptive Group is proud to announce that two of our strategic clients were the speakers during the Conference: Wojciech Karpinski – Center Director, Amway Business Center Europe – with his presentation followed by panel discussion around the customer satisfaction and Lean or Six Sigma still good enough to influence that; In the battle of the cities, about the best strategy investment appetite in the regions the City of Katowice, the strong voice of the Mayor of the City – Marcin Krupa.
Adaptive SAG took part in the event in the team consisting of: Krystian Bestry, President & Chief Executive Officer Adaptive SAG, Michał Bielawski, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Adaptive SAG, Magdalena Bugajska, Program Manager and Paulina Kukuła, Project Leader and Strategy Consultant for the City of Katowice.