Posted on: Feb 17, 2017
On the 22th-23th of February in the Westin Warsaw Hotel will be held the workshop “International development strategy of SSC”, where our Client Partners Krystian Bestry and Michal Bielawski will lead workshops concerning the design international shared service center operations. The session shall focus on the best practices for SSC cost allocation methods, operational structures and knowledge management procedures.
The event is dedicated mainly to managers, directors from operations departments and members of the board. The two-day workshop will be a great opportunity to acquaint oneself with a wide range of aspects of international development and listen to the opinions of experts on the complex problem of international expansion both for SSC and the entities with centralized services within the group of companies.
Hope to see you there!
More information about the event: http://mmcpolska.pl/kalendarz-wydarzen/strategia-rozwoju-miedzynarodowego-centrum-uslug-wspolnych