Posted on: Oct 17, 2023
To inclusivity and diversity in the workplace!
As part of the all-year programme #WorkingTogether by ABSL, Adaptive SAG is proud to become a Supporting Local Partner of the World Values Day. Panel discussions on open and inclusive culture at work will take place in 8 cities in Poland, and one of them is Łódź! Every year, World Values Day brings together representatives of the arts, culture, social sciences, and business to discuss the role and significance of values in both parts of our lives – personal and careers.
This October, the celebrations take place at local universities to encourage engagement of the academic community. In Łódź, World Values Days will be held at University of Lodz on the 19th of October at 10.00am. You’re all welcome to join and hear about our ideas on implementation of inclusivity into our workplace.
All are invited! Sign up here: Registration for World Values Day19 October 2023 Survey (surveymonkey.com)
Guests invited to speak at the panel include local authorities, artists, and celebrities to increase visibility of the project in the media. We are proud to announce that this year one of the speakers is Michał Bielawski, Managing Partner at Adaptive SAG! His speech is scheduled at 11.15. On the agenda, he is among singer and songwriter Vito Bambino, rapper Bisz, activist and influencer Janina Bąk, historian and journalist Marcin Meller, writer Szczepan Twardoch, and the vice mayor of our city Adam Pustelnik.
The initiative divides into three parts: two discussion panels and one integration activity.
The first part will analyse a sense of belonging in changing conditions: ‘How to find yourself in a time of social, cultural, and business transformation’, and the second will focus on case studies and real-life stories about diversity and inclusivity implementation in business sector companies: ‘The many shades of belonging and engagement’.
Afterwards, the initiative organized with local governments will integrate and engage local community to celebrate diversity, inclusion, belonging, and engagement values. This will allow for team-building and networking.
Łódź Special Guests include:
Paweł Śpiechowicz – Lodz resident, journalist, copywriter, communication specialist
Adam Pustelnik – The First Deputy Mayor of the City of Łódź
prof. Eleonora Bielawska-Batorowicz – University of Łódz
Kamil Maćkowiak – Polish theater and film actor
Maria Belka – Entrepreneur, consultant, public speaker.